DOT 2025
35th Deutscher Orientalistentag DOT 2025
8th–12th September 2025 | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
The Deutsche Orientalistentag (DOT) is the largest conference of Oriental Studies in the German-speaking area and an internationally important conference for the research of languages, cultures and societies of the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
The conference will be structured into 21 sections, which may also comprise specialised and/or interdisciplinary panels.
Scientists of all career phases are invited to present and discuss their research at the 35th DOT in front of an expert audience and the interested public.
Any initiative to publish conference proceedings are highly welcome. However, no relevant funding is available within the DOT framework.
An accompanying cultural program with musical events, guided tours and thematic excursions to the region will be published soon.
The 35th DOT is organized by the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) on behalf of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG).
The local organizing team consists of Prof. Dr. Lutz Edzard, Dr. Cleophea Ferrari, Dr. Melanie Hanitsch, Claudia Hoga M.A. (Project Coordination) and Anke Moosdorf (Administrative Assistant) as well as the scientific advisory board Prof. Dr. Thomas Demmelhuber, Prof. Dr. Michael Lackner, Prof. Dr. Dominik Müller, Dr. Stephanie Müssig, PD Dr. Frank Peter, Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaffner and Dr. Jörn Thielmann.
As part of the DOT, the 31st Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) will also be held.
An event organized by the World Philology Union (WPU) will take place on September 11th.